Saturday, November 1, 2014

Impact Ministries

IMPACT Ministries is a ministry that exists to encourage, equip and empower young women. IMPACT is an acronym for Impacting Many People About Christ Today

IMPACT is all about women ministering/ mentoring to young women (ages 13-25). The young women in this group are from all backgrounds. Some are church born and bred; some are from single parent households, some have both parents at home, some rarely go to church at all. However, none of that matters, because the issues and challenges they face are the same. The issues young women face is acceptance of others, depression, faith/spirituality, family, the future, media, self-esteem, sex, stress, and substances. That’s why this ministry is designed to reach, teach and help young women...with application of scripture. IMPACT Ministries will be a place where we can come and learn what it truly means to be a Christian woman. It is a place where we can come together, eat, laugh, and build friendships. It is a place where we can share our struggles, our experiences, our testimonies, and our faith. It is a place where you can come and be you!

IMPACT is a place to belong, feel loved, be encouraged, make friends, grow and learn together, laugh, be real, be strengthened, and work together to do GREAT things!
 Through our groups, events, and resources young women are:

  • Encouraged by life lessons, testimonies and godly examples of women and strong Christian girls who are striving to live lives that give glory and honor to God
  • Equipped to apply biblical truths to everyday situations
  • Empowered to put their God-given talents into action and serve as positive role models.
MISSION STATEMENT: IMPACT Ministries exists to encourage, equip and empower young women in the community with God's love, and to develop dedicated followers of Christ.

VISION: To see young women around the world actively and enthusiastically expressing love for God and others - young women equipped, motivated, and passionately engaged in living out their faiths

IMPACT's PURPOSE is what we believe God would have us to do as a ministry. It is the foundation of who we are. Are we perfect at it every time? No way! But we will try, and if we fail, we will try again. It is what God has placed us here to do and we will do our best to fulfill His purpose.

Meeting Dates & Times: 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 5 PM at the Central Park Recreation Center and 1st and 3rd Thursdays at Ensley Recreational Center at 5 PM.

General types of activities:
Movie nights, bowling,M, game nights, monthly study group, etc. 

Foundation Scripture: "Likewise, tell the older women to be reverent in their behavior, teaching what is good..." Titus 2:3-5

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