Tuesday, June 25, 2013

It's not just God watching you!

Frustrated, irritable, and spaced out is what described me today at work, or shall I say this has been me at work several days before this day. And according to one of my co-workers, she said I was kind of out of myself at our unit meeting today. I admit that I have been frustrated and irritable with the demands of my job. However, it never crossed mind that my co-worker was watching me.

While most people know me as a bubbly, cheerful, joyful, and happy go lucky person, this was a good reminder to me that…you never know who’s watching you! Not only that, but from a Christian perspective, we as Christians must realize that God isn’t the only one watching us, but the world is watching us too. Most of us don't give it much thought, but people do watch us. They are watching to find out what a Christian is like, how we react under pressure, what we do when the going gets rough, and what we do when there seems to be no way out! That said, this post is about being an example.

Let's look at the book of 1 Timothy
In 1 Timothy 4:12, Paul tells Timothy…“Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity”.

In this case, we have Paul telling Timothy to demonstrate who God is through actions. And we can see here that Timothy has a duty. He is to set an example for Christians to follow. Not only that but Timothy is being watched and with that being said, you never know who is watching you from a far or even close for that matter. People watch you while you don’t think anybody is. The same is also true with parents and children. Even when you don't realize it, they are constantly watching and learning from you. Not only that, but they learn more from you by the eye, than they do by the ear...and that's why we as Christians should continually remember the influence of our own example. They see our ways, note our conduct, observe our behaviour, and what they see us do. As I stated earlier in this post, it never crossed my mind that my co-worker was watching me, but it did bring to my attention that I need to be cognizant of my reactions to situations as a Christian.
Always remember, someone, somewhere is watching you! That someone is watching you at home, church, work, school, and in your neighbourhood and that’s why Titus 2:7 tells us, "In everything set them an example by doing what is good. So, while it’s safe to say that we need to provide an example for others to see, it's important to keep in mind that there are two kinds of examples: by what you do and what you do not do.

Let this post be a good reminder to you that you never know who's watching you, or who may be basing their verdict about God on the way you handle your circumstances, your emotions, and your situations. Remember, many times we are the only example that people will have of God. So let us be an example to people in words, in temper, in diligence, in moderation, in faith, in love, in kindness, and in humility to our family, friends, spouse, co-workers, neighbour's, etc...After all, you never who's watching your example.


  1. Absolutely!!!So very important that we understand as Christians our lives are always under a microscope. People always look for fault to say oh, I thought he/she was saved. One of satan's main tricks is to discredit the church by bringing reproach on the name of CHRIST! He wants us to fall from grace publicly!!! He wants to make the Word of GOD of none effect!!! He pushes our buttons and watches our actions and reactions. Satan can't read your mind but he can definitely watch your reactions. We must be mindful of our reactions in situations especially in the presence of sinners and unbelievers. Be steadfast unmovable ALWAYS abounding in the work of the LORD. Let your light so shine among men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven! By grace we are able to shine even in the darkest places glory to GOD!!! This is a key factor in the gaining and losing of souls!!! Well said excellent point!

  2. Very true Mr. Sanders!!! Thanks again Mr. Sanders for another great response. You made excellent points yourself :) 1 Peter 2:12, would've been another good scripture for this post.
