Monday, June 17, 2013

The Waiting Room!

About two weeks ago, I found myself waiting to be seen by the doctor and as I was waiting, I will say that I waited for a long time that I started to wonder if the doctor forgot me. Have you ever felt that way about God? Maybe He forgot about you? ... It's probably fair to say none of us ever want to wait, but Psalm 27:14 tells us,

“Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.”
We can all agree that waiting can be time-consuming, annoying, and incredibly frustrating, but as I was waiting, the thought came to mind how God puts us in a situation where we have to learn to be wait patiently for Him. Not for somebody else, but for Him. So, what are you waiting for in your life? Perhaps you’re waiting for a child, a job, a house, marriage, a healing, or for a loved one to be saved, or for Jesus’ return... but whatever you are waiting for, you need to wait patiently because there is always a purpose behind waiting, lessons to be learned in waiting, and there is always a blessing when He brings you through it.

Let’s look at some people Bible characters in the Bible who waited on God. Abraham had to wait twenty-five years before God fulfilled his promise to give him a son. David had to wait many years before God fulfilled His promise to make him a king, and Joseph had to wait fourteen years before God fulfilled His promise to rule over his brothers. The people of Israel also had to wait several hundred years before God fulfilled His promise to send them a Saviour. Consider God's promise Abraham and Sarah. Abraham waited nearly 25 years before the birth of his child of promise, and Sarah waited 90 years to have a baby. - Genesis 21:1-2
"Now the LORD was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did for Sarah what he had promised.  Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him."

That being said, we may not have to wait as long for God's promises to be fulfilled as they did, but we do have to endure some periods of waiting. Gratefully, God makes things relatively easy for us by causing His promises to manifest in stages...some immediately, some after a little while, and some after a long time. But If God makes you wait for 20 years, wait. In closing, we're all in a waiting room of some sort but I just want to encourage you especially if you have waited for a long time that God has not forgotten neither forsaken you.
"But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Saviour; my God will hear me." Micah 7:7

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